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Items In Project Materials Listing | Final Year Research Project Topics & Materials In PDF & Doc | iproject

  • 1. Impact Of Government Expenditure On Nigerian Economic Growth

    »     ABSTARCT       The work was on the impact of Government Expenditure on Nigeria Growth (1981 –2010) dealing with secondary data from the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) and the National Bureau of Statistics Regression Analysis with (OLS) technique was used. Our findings indicate that there is a positive correlation between Inflation, Money Supply, Government Consumption Expenditure. While...Continue Reading »

    Item Type: Project Material |  65 pages |  4,097 engagements | 

  • 2. Impact Of Non-Oil Export On Nigerian Economy

    » Impact Of Non Oil Export On Nigerian Economy     ABSTRACT   The study investigated the impact of non oil exports on Nigerian economy during the period of 1986 2010. This study was carried out against the background of the crucial role non oil export can play as an alternative source of revenue apart from crude oil exports. To achieve this objective, multiple regressions were used in analyzing t...Continue Reading »

    Item Type: Project Material |  65 pages |  5,174 engagements | 

  • 3. Conflict Management Strategies In Used In Primary Schools In Anambra State.

    »   This study examined the management of conflict in primary schools. The purposes of this study are to identify the strategies used by head teachers in managing conflict between teachers, and the strategies used by teachers in managing conflicts between pupils. The purpose of the study is also to identify the strategies used by pupils in managing conflict among themselves. Air Max 2016 Heren Goe...Continue Reading »

    Item Type: Project Material |  55 pages |  4,865 engagements | 

  • 4. Inequality And Taxation In Nigeria

    »     ABSTRACT   This research work evaluates the Impact of Taxation on Inequality in Nigeria from (1980 2010). From our finding, we found out that taxation does not have a statistical significant effect on inequality in Nigeria. Taxation is one of the most important and easy source of revenue to any government as the government possesses inherent power to impose taxes and levies. Inequality can ...Continue Reading »

    Item Type: Project Material |  65 pages |  4,990 engagements | 

  • 5. Population Growth And Economic Development In Nigeria

    »       CHAPTER ONE         1.1 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY   Over the years if has become established that the existence of an efficient human capital is the key to economic growth and development in any nation. This seems from the fact that every other facility and resources required for economic development is driven by the availability of human capital. More so, in the absence of effective h...Continue Reading »

    Item Type: Project Material |  65 pages |  5,629 engagements | 

  • 6. Poverty And The Nigerian Economy

    »     ABSTRACT:     This research study by means of robust statistical analysis investigated the poverty situation in Nigeria and how it affects the citizens and the economy at large. This research was taken in a period of 25 years which is from 1985 –2010. The ordinary least square method was used to investigate this work. The empirical analysis carried out showed that the Nigerian economy h...Continue Reading »

    Item Type: Project Material |  65 pages |  8,164 engagements | 

  • 7. Poverty And Unemployment In Nigeria Causes Effects And Remedies

    »     ABSTRACT   This study is an econometric method of research that analyzed the causes, effects and remedies of poverty and unemployment in Nigeria. It covered a period of 20 years 1991 2010 hence a time series analysis descriptive statistics and regression model was used to estimate the models and it was made use of secondary data which was fitted to the regression equation by the method of O...Continue Reading »

    Item Type: Project Material |  65 pages |  11,683 engagements | 


    »   IN ANAMBRA AND ENUGU STATES                     ABSTRACT   This study was undertaken to assess the information and communication technology competencies possessed by office technology and management lecturers in tertiary institutions in Anambra and Enugu states. The study adopted a descriptive survey design. Four research questions guided the study while four hypotheses were teste...Continue Reading »

    Item Type: Project Material |  56 pages |  4,597 engagements | 

  • 9. Real Exchange Rate And Non Oil Export In Nigeria

    »       CHAPTER ONE   INTRODUCTION   1.1                                   BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY   Since exportation has a special share in the economic growth of many advanced and developing countries; as far as making those countries as the strongest countries, the effective factors; in turn, could pave way for progress of countries, particularly the deve...Continue Reading »

    Item Type: Project Material |  65 pages |  5,336 engagements | 

  • 10. Recapitalization Policy And The Banks Performance In Nigeria

    »     ABSTRACT   The objective of this study is to assess the recapitalization policy and the banks performance in Nigeria, also to know the history of recapitalization policy and how it has fare over the years, and the benefit of this recapitalization to Nigeria banks. Data were sourced from secondary sources, this secondary data include, online source, journals and central bank of Nigeria stati...Continue Reading »

    Item Type: Project Material |  65 pages |  4,583 engagements | 

  • 11. The Analysis Of The Impact Of Unemployment And Inflation On Balance Of Payment ...

    »     CHAPTER ONE   1. O INTRODUCTION   1.1 BACKGROUND   The major goals of macro economic policy are: to achieve full employment in other words maintain a low and stable level of unemployment. To maintain a relative stable level of price payment position at a fixed stable exchange rate of growth.   Practically, inflation which is a persistence increase in general price level is one of the mac...Continue Reading »

    Item Type: Project Material |  65 pages |  4,649 engagements | 

  • 12. The Contribution Of Bank Of Industry (BOI) To Industrial Development In Nigeria

    »       CHAPTER ONE     1.0          INTRODUCTION     1.1          BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY     Industrial financing organizations have undergone a structural transformation during the last three decades in most developing countries. In this process of transformation, industrial development banks have emerged as catalytic agent of industrial and economic growth. This wor...Continue Reading »

    Item Type: Project Material |  65 pages |  6,391 engagements | 

  • 13. Business Education Students’ Awareness And Utilization Of E-learning

    » Business Education Students’ Awareness And Utilization Of E learning  The study investigated the awareness of e learning and its utilization by business education students in Anambra State tertiary institutions. Four research questions were posed and four hypotheses formulated. A total of 1603 business education students in four tertiary institutions in Anambra State made up the population of t...Continue Reading »

    Item Type: Project Material |  56 pages |  5,699 engagements | 

  • 14. The Contributions Of Insurance Industry To Gross Domestic Product (GDP) In Niger...

    »     ABSTRACT   This work examined the contributions of the insurance industry to the gross domestic product (GDP) in Nigeria. Data for the study were basically through the secondary process, extracted from journals, newspapers, internet, magazines, textbooks, CBN statistical Bulletin and Statement of Account etc. The Ordinary Least Square technique was used to test the validity of the hypothese...Continue Reading »

    Item Type: Project Material |  65 pages |  5,013 engagements | 

  • 15. Comparative Effect Of Simulation And Demonstration Methods Of Instruction On Stu...

    » Comparative Effect Of Simulation And Demonstration Methods Of Instruction On Students’ Academic Performance In Business Studies At Junior Secondary School Level. 45 This study focused on the “Effect of Simulation and Demonstration teaching methods on Junior Secondary School Students’ Performance in Business Studies”. Five research questions were posed and th ree hypotheses formulated and t...Continue Reading »

    Item Type: Project Material |  55 pages |  5,138 engagements | 

  • 16. The Determinant Of Savings In Nigeria

    »       ABSTRACT   The term savings refers to the part of income immediately spent or consumed but reserved for futureconsumption, investment or unforeseen contingencies. This study examines the determinants of savings in Nigeria between 1985 2011, which will enable us to proffer solution for the improvement of savings in the economy, since it is an important component of the economic developmen...Continue Reading »

    Item Type: Project Material |  65 pages |  5,746 engagements | 

  • 17. Military Rule And Political Transition In Nigeria An Appraisal Of Abacha Regime.

    »     ABSTRACT       This study analyzes military rule and the political transition to democracy in Nigeria. It enquires into how military intervenes in the Nigerian politics in the recent time. The study also examines how corruption induces military intervention in Nigerian politics due to the embezzlement of public funds by our political leaders as well as mismanagement of government properti...Continue Reading »

    Item Type: Project Material |  55 pages |  4,848 engagements | 

  • 18. The Effect Of Urbanization And Unemployment On The Nigerian Economy

    »       ABSTRACT   The work is motivated by the seeming inability of the public sector to make and implement polices and programmes to curb the high rate of rural – urban migration and unemployment that is usually experienced in Nigeria. The study was geared towards an overview of the issues of urbanization and unemployment as well as their implication on the development of Nigeria. Secondary ...Continue Reading »

    Item Type: Project Material |  65 pages |  8,221 engagements | 

  • 19. The Growth Of Nigerian Economy And Unemployment

    »   The Growth Of Nigerian Economy And Unemployment      CHAPTER ONE         1.1           THE BACKGROUND OF STUDY   Unemployment has been one of the most persistent and un manageable problems facing all industrial countries of the world. It has been noted as a macroeconomic and social problem.   In October 1982, the 13th International Conference of Labour Statisticians adopted...Continue Reading »

    Item Type: Project Material |  65 pages |  4,181 engagements | 

  • 20. Labour Unrest And Underdevelopment In Nigeria.

    »             Abstract   One of the major impediments to development in Nigeria is labour unrest. This is given the fact that no Nation can develop without human resource because they constitute and play very significant role in Nation building and development. The Nigerian case has been so pervasive that labour unrest extends to every situation when the Government takes major public pol...Continue Reading »

    Item Type: Project Material |  56 pages |  6,430 engagements | 

  • 21. Intergovernmental Relations And The Performance Of Local Governments In Nigeria

    » INTERGOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS AND THE PERFORMANCE OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS IN NIGERIA Abstract Intergovernmental relations is associated with states having a federal administrative system where the relationship between the federal, central or national government and major sub national units (province, region or state) are formally spelt out in the constitution. This seek to promote peace and harmony amo...Continue Reading »

    Item Type: Project Material |  56 pages |  7,180 engagements | 

  • 22. Women Empowerment In Nigerian Politics.

    »   Abstract   This study or research on women empowerment in Nigerian politics is divided into five (5) chapters. The first chapter is on the topic that deals with the introductory part of the study by providing a comprehensive historical background to the study, identifying the major problems, grapples with the review of relevant literatures and the methodological issues involved in the research...Continue Reading »

    Item Type: Project Material |  55 pages |  0 engagements | 


    » THE ROLE OF COOPERATIVE IN POVERTY   ALLEVIATION: A CASE STUDY OF SELECTED   COOPERATIVE SOCIETIES IN KADUNA SOUTH LOCAL   GOVERNMENT AREA             ABSTRACT   The only way people can maximize benefit of limited resources to their reach is by self reliance. Therefore there is need for people to use co operative societies to achieve these. The project seeks to identify how cooperative ...Continue Reading »

    Item Type: Project Material |  65 pages |  6,029 engagements | 

  • 24. Human Resource Development And Productivity In The Civil Service.

    »   Human Resource Development And Productivity In The Civil Service           Abstract     The Civil Service as the machinery of Government performs the unique role of governance and National development as such government everywhere in the world have come to   terms with the need to train and re train it’s hum resource for them to be better equipped to maximize productivity levels and m...Continue Reading »

    Item Type: Project Material |  56 pages |  0 engagements | 

  • 25. Assessment Of The Role Of Gender In Cooperative Development

    »     ABSTRACT   This study had the objective of assessing the role of gender in cooperative development, analyzing the socio economic profile of the cooperators on the basis of  gender,  assessing  gender contributions  to  cooperative development in terms of membership, organizational and leadership  structures, examining technical efficiency and factors hindering the implementation...Continue Reading »

    Item Type: Project Material |  65 pages |  4,269 engagements | 

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